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Life from survival mode

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Life from survival mode

Life is different today through the Coronavirus.

Indeed, some people end up together at home.
Today it’s a spike in divorce and baby boom… Would you tell me 😊?

Indeed, the confinement between people makes it possible to (re)produce a long connection between them.

But it is above all a re-connection with oneself that confinement offers.

Today, we are all “speed” to be everywhere at once and to want to go as fast as machines!

Information between humans is so fast, viral, and permanent that many of us have been “burned out”.

Modified Image and text from @sunshine creations: "disconnect with the world, reconnect with yourself".

Here, this brutal stop puts an end to our incessant whirlwind and help us to stay alive (against the virus).

As if the Universe was taking back its rights.

We are asked to use our energy wisely (no more than our body allows) considering that we are not a machine.

Good to stay at home?

We tend to slow down and to become aware of what we used to do for a living.

Is our daily life we’ve had, is still OK now?

At home, we can take the time to reconnect with our life, to see what we’ve done in the past until today, as if our life was in a movie in front of us. Does the Human, I am now, wants to live differently? What are my desires that were hidden under my masks in my daily life?

Can we say that Life is still beautiful?

The Coronavirus allows us to reconnect with ourselves in an authentic way, to take the time to ask ourselves the right questions and to see if we are at the place, we really want.

Thanks to the Corona virus, we’re going to decide consciously, either be able to continue our fulfilling life, or we be able to choose another way to reinvent ourselves to be “alive”.

Eric Thomas Quote: if you are not where you want to be, do not quite, instead reinvent yourself, and change your habites".
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    Hello Delphine, I don’t know if you remember me? Astrid!
    I wanted to drop you a little note on this Sunday afternoon after reading your latest publication.
    THANK YOU and BRAVO for your career.
    Your messages are very inspiring and motivating. See you soon in Paris!

    Astrid C.

    Hello Delphine, how are you?
    Just a quick note to thank you for your writings, always so well expressed and so thought-provoking.
    I reread your article 3 times because it sends out such positive vibes and raises questions.  
    You’re like the gardener of the mind, forcing us to pause for 5 minutes and embrace the present to plant our future. I encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts with us.

    Maria G.

    Thank you for sending your publications by email! I printed your latest post to gradually integrate it!

    Eva M.

    Your articles are magnificent, my dear Delphine! Always right! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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    Thanks for your articles! I print them all to add them to my workbook.

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