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How to implement change management?

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How to implement change management?

What CHANGE means?

Most entrepreneurs, traders and business leaders who ask me for change support, simply want to improve the situation of their company.

It is not only when we pass a transition period that we need help.

We need to have another look at our everyday life to always be in evolution …

At the individual level, when we are ready to question ourselves, we have already taken the first step.

At the global level within societies, a standard program of strategic change always becomes a gas plant, because it can not cover the individual needs of each of us.

The solution wouldn’t be to deal with the content of change, which is often stressful and discouraging for employees who respond to it automatically.

It is better to rather analyze the resistance of change and value the potential of all collaborators in a transformation management.

Indeed, everyone, even those who were reluctant, needs to participate in order to understand all the impacts from the change, especially for their own job.

Modified drawing from @conversationagent.com about change

Who can manage change process?

– Be supported by a Consultant outside the company who is neutral.

– To be supported by an expert of the Human to well observe the modification of behaviors.

– This professional must be efficient in intercultural communication to intervene with all different teams.

– Emotions are at the heart of change management, so the Business Coach must apply a multidimensional approach related to Spiritual/Emotional Intelligence.

– Would be great to be accompanied by a multi-skilled expert who is simultaneously an Advisor, a Trainer, and a Communicator, with a successful experience in Sales & Marketing.

Why? Because we need to make sure that the tailor-made strategy is effective for employees as well as clients.

Darwin quote: it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change".

How do we manage Change successfully?

– The change must be a visible improvement for all, even if it is not brought at the same time.

– Knowing the level of stress for each team is useful to prepare a change because this is both the cause and the effect of a decrease in adaptability.

– The coach must propose operational bespoke training and suitable teams’ coordination.

– The change manager must replace organizational “stressors” so that workers are the actors of change:

*Misallocation of powers and responsibilities

*Skewed communication between teams and hierarchical levels

*Constant pressure to use new and inconsistent processes

*Lack of support and respect from Managers

*Fear of talking and committing over time…

Icon image from Ic-adkar, the people side of change, showing successful change.

What to remember:

– We can not transform our behavior without unlearning our old one, which is more difficult to transmute.

So, it is better to highlight the benefits of the new uses of the company, and to have leaders who keep supporting all employees throughout the organization.

– Provide maximum information of the new management, so that everyone understands it, adapts it according to their position and communicates on the benefits acquired at work thanks to a new transformation.

– Change the pace of each team by increasing the ability of all collaborators to cope.

– Our brain often reacts automatically while facing with decision-making or change.

It often stays focused on short-term outcome and immediate enjoyment, with the fear of getting out of our comfort zone. Outside the box support is therefore essential to strengthen our prefrontal Cortex 😊.

tips for a change from @sheffield.ac.uk
pdf article

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