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Dependent on New Technologies?

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Dependent on New Technologies?

These days, it seems impossible not to own a smartphone, a computer or a tablet.

New technologies are used daily to receive and divulge information spontaneously.

Whether it is to be connected to others, to search for jobs, create a company, or to work. This reliance becomes a habit, even a spontaneous need.

Modified image which shows a man having 6 hands with devices.

Despite this quasi addiction, we nonetheless can notice the added value of being connected to all the machines that are available on the market.

On the contrary, when we experience a bug on our computer that stops everything or when for some reason our emails can not be received – or – worse! – when there is a fire in the data center of the host of our website, we panic and realize that we are indeed powerless against these machines!

What to do with technologies?

Get backups on hard drive or replace the machine with another one. Otherwise, we helplessly wait for the affected machine to work again!

But can we wait? … being now so demanding that all our machines function correctly constantly?
We realize how the Internet is changing our lives every day and how we need to adapt to the new era and not the system to adapt to us!

Indeed, everything though new technologies become virtual, digital, and intangible: exchanges, connections, friends, leisure, and of course work!

It is: “digital transition” or “digital transformation”.

To be Digital in 2016 concerns as much the web user as the firm:

•    247 billion e-mails are sent daily worldwide according to Steelcase.
•    65% of companies are present on the Net, but only 14% sell online.
•    The value of e-commerce has tripled since 2007.
•    19% of SMEs made purchases online.
•    60% of French citizens have already interacted online at least once with the Administration.
•    65% of businesses have a website.
•    33% of companies have invested in management software and “reporting”.

•    The organizational rigidity is the main obstacle to the digitalization of businesses in France.
•    Digital transforms competition, customer experience, the offer of digital products, decisions and processes.
•    Digital transformation is done in 3 steps: building and communicating a digital vision, defining the transformation plan and starting the global transformation.

With the Internet, we identify new opportunities and set better conditions to be more efficient at work. It makes our approach easier, more accessible, and even freer.

Modified image showing many computers around a little planet with a leader hat.

For example, we appreciate the online tutorial that helps any web user to be trained.

This educational tool is very interesting because it helps us to quickly learn something, by viewing a method or concrete examples.

This concept of online learning came from the American universities, with Mooc “Massive Online Open Course”.
Between theoretical training courses and customized business paid programs, without having to leave the company, employees are able to be train online in an interactive playful and pragmatic way.

Some of us can also “reinvent” our career through MOOCs and enhance our profile on social networks to be contacted and hired…

This dream is now a reality thanks to the development of MOOCs and the more professional versions, which are COOC (“corporate online open courses”, courses to employees or customers) and SPOC (“small private online shopping”, private specialized courses).

@edtechreview.in image showing what it is MOOC.

This self-learning approach well completes the existing training and creates a team dynamic in the company.
MOOCs have the advantage of being freely accessible to the greatest ones.

In France, the MOOC reference site available this year is france-universite-numerique.fr , which compiles courses from the major French universities and schools, thanks to the law of March 5, 2014, that states that training “can be done fully or in part by distance”.

My firm, Performance Outside the Box is a Certified Training Organisation that proposes customized online training for those who wants to have a bespoke and flexible training.

Through the Internet, we now assist in hosting interactive meetings (www.wisembly.com) which leads to interaction and transparency, which can’t be found at times in physical meetings.

Of course, the advantage of the Internet is making available a business operated from home to a worldwide market!

As per Frederic Mazzella, President of BlaBlaCar: “new technologies are able to adapt and anticipate market changes”.

It is indeed a great source of information in terms of data mining.

In 2000, it would have taken one or two years to build a business and obtain the right tools. Now it is in a few minutes! New technologies are changing entrepreneurs’ lives, from creation to daily management.

Via the internet, communication is facilitated and thus client approach is also completely redesigned.
Either via a website or a marketplace, traditional trade has been profoundly changed.

Over 63% of French Internet users purchased online in 2014 and marketplaces’ sales (Amazon, eBay, etc. …) increased by 50% between 2012 and 2013, according to the e-commerce Federation Fevad.

Consumer insight is also more precise, thanks to a reporting that is much more widespread and centered.
This global communication is accessible, faster – its impact is more decisive.

Modified image that shows 2 people hanging hands coming from 2 computers.

Regarding customer relationships and loyalty, we can deploy a “community management” device and a CMS “Content Management System”, which allows us to listen to our customers on social networks and respond to them across different channels where they are. Indeed, some companies and organizations insert a “pop up” chat online to respond immediately to the web user.

Also, we can listen on the web to what that is said about us and our competitors.
This information is divided into 30 categories. Each corresponding to customer satisfaction KPI.

We send these reports to all sites and each performance indicator (KPI) is supported by a manager who optimizes it. This improves responsiveness which enables us to redirect our strategy and mobilize our forces to target the very high customer satisfaction.

Mobility is enhanced because every day, our new mobile and collaborative tools allow us to share information quickly and simply – working with the other side of the world.

To refer to Lawrence Allias, founder of the agency Josiane: “everything is too fast to go without. I have an office on my smartphone. But I can lose my PC or laptop, it does not matter because everything is online via the Cloud that has allowed companies to reduce their IT infrastructure by accessing resources hosted by third parties on Internet.”

What is good is that small businesses have access today to powerful tools as large companies have.
However, the entrepreneurial act remains a risk if the service is not good.

Similarly for the hyper-connected, there are many tools and applications, but i do believe we should focus on the essentials to create value.

The digital future is a chance for France and its companies for improvement.
Accelerating their digital transformation, they can double their growth.

The delay in France is not explained by cost but by resistance to change and lack of skills.

No area is untouched by dematerialization.
The creation of new concepts, new activities and new requirements is now possible with the Internet, such as “crowdfunding” to renew the investment sources, to raise money from Internet users.

You will also discover “crowdconsulting” to which my firm belongs!
Indeed, more responsive, and less intensive than large firms, nebulae experts meet through the internet to provide (in record time) information and strategy.

Now companies can get many supports, because, as the CEO of Fujitsu France, Hervé Garnousset, stated “as a business leader, I expect some commitment of these experts, now available anywhere, anytime.”

Modified image showing a man bringing light and success.

I respond to this present need, assisting quickly and easily any entrepreneur and organization in optimizing their resources and unleashing their potentials.

The multilingual team, with strong intercultural management abilities, focus on global brainstorming via the internet to capture the right information.

In the businesses of coaching and proximity services, my firm gives interaction and customization rather than ready-made solutions. My missions bring quality and result with permanent support.

The digital revolution leads more agility

As per Klaus Schwab, Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum: “We are trading a world where the big one eats the small one faster.”

In fact, new technologies are changing not only the ways people act and thoughts but also change the ways we work.

In France, our rules, processes, and the French organizations are often too numerous and complex to smoothly adapt for change.

We have so many internal procedures in our French companies that cause fragmentation, a loss of direction, and a suffering at work (absenteeism, psychosocial disorders, and burn out).

Human being and Emotional intelligence are well expressed on the Internet. Companies should hear the message and take it into consideration. That is why my firm gives Bespoke Services to detect and value Human potentials at work.

Modified image showing a man presenting many devices on his hands
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1 thought on “Dependent on New Technologies?”

  1. So insightful! Thank you for this excellent read and information on our businesses. As someone who is an avid reader of blogs and somewhat of a new technology addict (in denial!), your article has really gotten me to slow down and reflect on our modern behaviors!

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