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In Crisis, is Top Management changing?

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In Crisis, is Top Management changing?

CRISIS means in Greek “you have to choose”!

So which choice did you make to reinvent your business after the blackout period of the Corona virus?

We all went back to work realizing that it’s not like before, whether we like it or not!

In this world of Duality, a crisis is both a “danger” and an “opportunity”, as defined by the 2 ideograms of the word “crisis” in Chinese.

Relationships at work are changing

How are business leaders going to keep their business and their employees?

It is clear that the relationship with others has to change because our private and professional spheres are now linked with the consideration of our health.

What keys should be given to business directors who have to reinvent work and relationships within their company?

– To understand that what we used to do is over!  (cf. next article: the bad habits of Management)

It is necessary to globally evaluate your own business with a new look.

– Take time to sit down, listen and discuss with all teams.

All the Talents within your company need to express their being, to share their feelings, their fears and also to exchange their new ideas.

–  The leader is recommended to hear and note the priorities of the mission, which are now different for everyone.

– The manager is asked to set up a new organization that encourages all employees to:

> Take their own initiatives, whether teleworking or working in a company, to boost their creativity.

> Express themselves, be considered and valued in their contribution to move forward differently.

> Communicate more easily in order to facilitate and accept ideas that come from the field.

> Share their fear and uncertainty to support them in their own transformation.

> Move forward at their own pace with understanding and confidence despite the lack of visibility into the future.

Let us focus our attention and energy on the current possibilities

Instead of focusing on fears and “if we had…”, the top management must put their ATTENTION and INTENTION on the new opportunities that are available now.

It is a change of perspective that will enlighten your business on another path, more fluid and coherent to date.

Focus your attention and put your energy on what is available to you today, speak with your team, exchange and debate ideas to concretely implement them. Ease and support harmonious communication and direct interaction from top to bottom management.

Today, the human being is at the center!

We are no longer a business number in an endless meeting or in an open space where we have to show our presence at the office in front of a computer!

Let us now be responsible for the realization of our projects and focus on the quality of exchanges and the progress of the common project.

Now let’s think and act “outside the box”!

I therefore suggest to business leaders to:

– Discuss the action plan with everyone involved.

– Give voice and responsibility to the employees who are in charge of performing the tasks.

– Take time to listen to the impact on the ground employees and adapt the follow-up accordingly.

– Validate clear goals that are achievable and consistent across the enterprise.

– Dare to test new things by trusting your teams and celebrate failures that show the best way to go!

– Have confidence in employees who want to be engaged in your company that brings value on the market!

– Take a moment to thank your team members and create new, stronger, more united bonds, removing any presence tracking that does not open up to TRUST, which is the key for keeping human bonds connected to a sustainable team within your company!

scrabble: chance vs change with one letter
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2 thoughts on “In Crisis, is Top Management changing?”

  1. Daniel Matamoros

    We have to keep our heads up at such a difficult time no matter how long it takes before things get back to normal. A “crisis” will appear periodically during anyone’s lifetime that may be on a personal level or shared worldwide, but we always must keep our head held high and work thru solutions internally and externally. Very informative and thought provoking article.

  2. So true! All comes from the top. If leaders and business owners decide to change and adapt their management for a better organization and workers’ responsibility with suitable exchange and trust, it will be profitable and sustainable for their company!

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